Selected Excerpts

The More I Love Me, Me, The Palestinian

The more they hate me, their convenient ugly Arab, the more I love me,

me, illustrious and beautiful Palestinian Arab

The more fictitiously they portray and write me antihero and boogie man/woman me the more I know me, follow me, empower me …

Embroidered Memory

Arabic tapestry embroidered into my soul is my memory of home

 Red on black pyramids octagons, lines and vines each village distinct

bedouin purple and fuchsia red poppies and tulips

my mother, sixteen--vibrant peacocks on linen

circle around down, up up, down

A fine needle in and out.

An artist's tool piercing a fabric, weaving culture

Women of this art fill my heart with hues of

red and orange fruit orchards filling the air with aroma of a culture of olive,

almond and fig groves kept safe and warm…

Published in Poetry of Arab Women- A Contemporary Anthology by Nathalie Handal

Wat er I Do Without Water

Water is the element that is all power

For the slicing of water is unavailable

Like a slice of pie

Water, the element that is danced for

Sung for

Prayed for

Rejoiced for

Water is the holy coveted

Water is what we are made of

Water is what we are scared of

Water is what holds secrets

Water is what holds babies

Water keeps large-feared creatures at bay

Water is darkness

Water is light

Water is life

Water is death

Water is motion

Water is still…

San Francisco City Hall poetry reading for Arab American Heritage Month

Picking a Palestinian Red Poppy and Painting it is a Crime

I awake from my glee to bad news

that the wings I covet from my visiting bird are too frail for my freedom and flight.

She pleads with me to have patience

in no justice hell prison cell until a stronger set of wings comes along to attach to my outstretched   a    r    m   s.

 I gawk UP and bid dove 

f a r e w e l l.

 Luminous eyes of a free bird are hope as clear and tangible as this wet drop

that enlightened the mourning

of the f r e e white dove bird

that will return stronger to lend her

                               w i n g s

                   for my salvation and delivery.

Published in Maintenant 18 July, 2024 (nominated for the Pushcart Prize)

 Home, Away from Home - Photo Exhibit Event

San Francisco Public Library Reading

Jam for Justice: An evening of world music, poetry and dance

(please fast forward to 1:07:19 for my introduction and reading)


Additional Poetry Reading Videos



Excerpt from Flor Y Canto Literary Festival - San Francisco 23 June 2024