“Healing a Fractured World"

Revolutionary Poets Brigade, SF, 2023

Waking alarm shocks, ear rings,
heart tempos, breath doubles
Eyes feel weight of body fluid
Head heavy, a water-logged stump sinking  
Torso pops up a vampire at dawn,
draining necks of the Fertile Crescent

Static-loaded, splintered subliminal messages,
biased censorship lodged
into brain's vacancy
One-liners, mindless cliches, military jargon frequencies
Sopped up into mushbrained gullible patriotic mobs

Seep out freedom tales, fantasies of saving the destitute (but they were not)
News blues programmed horrors over and over and over
Noon, 2 pm, 4 pm, 6 pm, 8 pm, 10 pm, late night propaganda
my great-grandmother's grave dug up snaps my thoughts-
for a homicide autopsy-I wish and dream...



Maintenant 17: A Journal of Contemporary Dada Writing & Art