Bethany Church, Noe Valley, San Francisco


If I were an olive tree, for every olive that I sprout there will be a poem to share.

Lorene Zarou-Zouzounis

I hope some of my word creations find you.

Hummingbird Stop

When a hummingbird stops I freeze

It happened, it happened one fine day

The speedy invisible wings

On the miniature engine

Stopped for a long spell

Casting one on me

Which is rare in our expedited society

That seems so much like hummingbird

Luckily I gazed overhead at the

Reading as Frida Khalo at San Francisco Exploratorium for Marigold Project- Poet’s Murmuration and Dia de los Muertos event 2023

Electric wire 40 or 50 feet into the blue

To behold the head bobbing birdie

Resting its wings invisible in flight

And the bold colors he seldom reveals--

The throated greens or blues as girl or boy

Little friend perches for me to see

In a meditative respite now like me

Or I like him after my discovery

This day while glancing overhead

When I am typically eye level with

My red roses that smell like bliss


If only I could have this one ferry-like

Fantasy, fast flapping flying machine

To be my personal trainer.